Session Description
Have you ever wondered why you are good at certain subjects and not so good at others? Or, have you ever wondered why you like certain subjects or learning environments and not others? This is because everyone learns differently. Everyone has a preferred learning style as unique as a fingerprint. This usability study was created to determine the usability of a website designed as a teacher resource on learning styles and differentiation for K-12 educators. It was determined that a resource was needed that would allow educators to first identify students’ preferred learning styles and then be able to match appropriate learning activities and strategies to each learning style. Educators are encouraged to differentiate their instruction but are not necessarily given the proper time or tools to do so. A website was created using Wix website builder to include information on specific learning styles, an assessment to determine students’ preferred learning styles and strategies and activities relevant to each learning style to differentiate instruction. K-12 educators as well as home educators agreed to participate in the usability study where they performed a series of specific tasks aimed at refining the usability of the site. The usability test was conducted to be sure that the best, most efficient and useful resource has been provided. After conducting the test sessions and interviews it was concluded to refine the website features to provide the most effective tools for educators. This presentation will feature the development of this website, changes made and recommendations for future development.
- Jennifer Smith
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